Sunday, November 13, 2011

Semuc Champey for the Weekend

After spending last week sick, I decided I needed to take a weekend to travel somewhere else and then come back to Antigua refreshed and ready to more or less start over. Semuc Champey seemed like the perfect place -- and it was. Dense jungle, cascading pools of incredibly blue water, and cave-swimming were all a part of a perfect short trip.

The pools are so blue due to limestone that forms a bridge over the actual river, which flows underneath the pools and comes out at the other end. 
Where the river goes underground. It comes out on the other side of the pools.
This week I think I might start a nutrition program for the remainder of the school's summer program. It looks like the summer program is going to end earlier than was thought, which is going to open up some extra time for travel. Maybe a trip up to Belize...? We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. you look great! I am so happy to see you smiling and healthy! Looks beautiful.

